Product description

AlphaGOS® is the unique plant-based, lactose-free galacto-oligosaccharide. This prebiotic fiber is bifidogenic and acts as a Probiome booster, by re-balancing the gut microflora. AlphaGOS®  is slightly sweet and can also be used as a sweetener with a low GI. AlphaGOS® can be used on the long-term, even by vegan or lactose-intolerant people.brhrbrOlygose offers a wdie range of products which includes AlphaGOS® P. It is a sugar-free powder, which is perfectly suited for dry mixes, making it an ingredient choice for dietary supplements. Contact us for more information.
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Categories Nutrients
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; North America; Central/South America
Supplied from France

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AlphaGOS® P & SF

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