Nutritional support for sporties & e-gamers -  Caffeine Synergizer with Bluenesse®

8 Nov 2021


Nutritional support for sporties & e-gamers - Caffeine Synergizer with Bluenesse®

Caffeine Synergizer are natural food ingredients providing caffeine-like effects, strengthening alertness and activity. Bluenesse is proven to provide beneficial effects within 1 hour, and improves alertness, focus and mood up to 5 hours. Bluenesse® and Caffeine are a perfect match, because both support scientifically proven and tangible nootropic effects. Consumers can feel the difference. Bluenesse® supports beneficial effects of caffeine, while impeding the caffeine crash.

*These statements have not been evaluated by FDA and EFSA. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.


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