Product description

Malting, Milling, Flaking, Kibbling, blending are EDME capabilities to offer a wide range of tasty and natural ingredients for your projects. EDME Malted and roasted flours are made directly by Anglia Malting group to provide unique flavor and color for your bakery applications. 
With a large range from light to dark color, we can propose the right ingredients for a unique consumer experience. 
The diastatic active and non diastatic are available. Malted flour can be made and from different grain sources offering multiple choice of cost, aroma, functionality and color profiles. 

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Product Applications Bakery; Brewing; Cereals & Convenience Foods & Snacks; Confectionary; Frying and Culinary Fats; Pet Food / Animal Nutrition; Vegetarian / Vegan Products

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Malted & roasted flours

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