Organic Fairtrade Bourbon Vanilla Beans Gourmet Grade

Product description

The fairtraded and organically cultivated as well as cured in the bourbon region, each vanilla bean is hand-selected for its freshness and rich fragrance. The full, sweet, creamy and mellow flavor with velvety after-tones is long-lasting and found in both the bean and the seeds. The rich, classic vanilla flavor is found in both the bean and the seeds. Therefore, it adds gourmet visual delight to a variety of applications, from cooking to baking as well as cold and frozen desserts. Fairtrade-certified vanilla indicates that it was grown by small-scale farmers in developing countries who receive a fair price and use sustainable farming practices.  Fairtrade processes help foster sustainable vanilla-producing communities and protect the environment. Fairtrade certified vanilla is grown in the shade and integrated with other crops, helping to protect against erosion and deforestation.

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Categories Aromas; Flavours and Spices; Nutrients
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; Australia; North America; Africa; Central/South America
Supplied from Comoros; Madagascar
Product Applications Bakery; Cereals & Convenience Foods & Snacks; Confectionary; Dairy; Desserts / ice cream; Frozen food; Natural Products; Organic Products; Pharmaceutical; Snacks; Vegetarian / Vegan Products
Product Certifications Fair Trade; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Kosher; Natural; Organic; Sustainable Seafood; Vegan; Vegetarian

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Organic Fairtrade Bourbon Vanilla Beans Gourmet Grade

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