Product description

Tapioca stems from the cassava root, mostly found in Brazil. It can grow in low nutrient soil and be harvested quickly. It is also very popular due to its culinary versatility. One of the uses is to make tapioca, which is a starch extracted from the cassava root.

It is highly soluble and releases energy almost instantaneously through the balanced distribution of simple and complex carbohydrate components.

Is a grain and gluten free product and has many benefits for the bakery industry.

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Categories Cereal / Grain Products; Sweeteners / Sugar replacements
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; Australia; North America; Africa; Central/South America
Supplied from Brazil
Product Applications Bakery; Beverages; Cereals & Convenience Foods & Snacks; Confectionary; Dairy; Desserts / ice cream; Healthy Food & Beverages; Vegetarian / Vegan Products
Product Certifications Fair Trade; Organic

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