
Monteloeder ingredient addresses metabolic syndrome

7 May 2015

Monteloeder has launched what it describes as a ground-breaking botanical ingredient that tackles metabolic syndrome – a dangerous condition in which high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity combine to increase greatly the risk of someone developing type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Four years in development, MetabolAid is a combination of two plants: a […]

Monteloeder ingredient addresses metabolic syndrome

new-price-tag-newest-merchandise-product-arrival-special-deal-37679506Monteloeder has launched what it describes as a ground-breaking botanical ingredient that tackles metabolic syndrome – a dangerous condition in which high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity combine to increase greatly the risk of someone developing type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Four years in development, MetabolAid is a combination of two plants: a hibiscus variety (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla). Together these well-known and safe herbal extracts are said to provide a synergistic effect that addresses the key causes of metabolic syndrome.

Pre-clinical tests involving mice fed on a high-fat diet have shown that the active compounds in MetabolAid influence key metabolic enzymes that regulate cholesterol levels, glucose accumulation and lipolysis (fat breakdown)– all of which are factors that can trigger metabolic syndrome. Specifically, the studies showed an activation of PPAR-alpha, a receptor that promotes the breakdown of fat and lowers cholesterol, and AMPK, an enzyme that promotes energy burn.  Researchers also observed in the mice an inhibition of FASN, an enzyme that promotes the creation of fat.

A pilot clinical study involving 50 overweight and moderately obese volunteers is currently underway at the University Miguel Hernández de Elche in Spain to demonstrate the benefits of MetabolAid in humans, and the preliminary outcomes are said to be very promising. The subjects have been divided into two groups, with one receiving a formula containing 500mg of MetabolAid and the other a placebo. In total 17 participants have completed the first month of analysis, and the results show the following:

  • A greater reduction in blood pressure in the MetabolAid group than in the placebo group
  • Higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol in the MetabolAid group, compared with a small decrease in the placebo group
  • A reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol in the MetabolAid group, compared with an increase in the placebo group
  • A lower level of the transaminases (enzymes) associated with liver damage in the MetabolAid group than in the placebo group

“Metabolic syndrome is a global problem,” said Fernando Cartagena, Director of Monteloeder. “It is estimated to affect 40% of Americans and 30% of Europeans aged 50 years and over[1], and a solution to this epidemic is required urgently. However, in spite of this, there’s a surprising lack of approved and effective natural products to address metabolic syndrome. But the launch of MetabolAid means there is now a natural, safe and proven ingredient with the potential to help alleviate the burden it places on healthcare systems and enable people everywhere to lead healthier and happier lives.”

Monteloeder’s MetabolAid is fully water soluble and is said to be suitable for use in dietary supplements, beverages and some food products.