Oat Extracts, Syrups and bases

Product description

The range of organic or natural oat extracts, available in liquid form, offers a wide variety of dextrose equivalent and sugar structures providing sweetness, cereal taste, viscosity, structure, crispness to all your preparations. Our Oat bases can be used to formulate your plant based drink. Besides oat, we also provide Rice, Barleymalt, Spelt, Buckwheat, Corn, Manioc and date syrups to formulate your food products.
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Categories Dairy; Dairy Replacement; Sweeteners / Sugar replacements
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; Australia; North America; Africa; Central/South America
Supplied from Belgium
Product Applications Bakery; Beverages; Cereals & Convenience Foods & Snacks; Confectionary; Dairy; Desserts / ice cream; Food Supplements; Healthy Food & Beverages; Natural Products; Sports Nutrition; Vegetarian / Vegan Products
Product Certifications Gluten-free; Halal; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Kosher; Natural; Organic; Quality assurance; Sustainable; Sustainable Seafood; Vegan

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