U. S. Highbush Blueberry Council

U. S. Highbush Blueberry Council


Company description

USA growers produce more than 242,000 metric tons of highbush blueberries in 38 states! In recentyears, our production has risen to a level where we are able to supply fresh, processed and further processed blueberries around the world. Our fresh season runs from March/April in the deep south and runs until late September in the Northwest. Frozen and further processed blueberries such as dried, juice, purees and concentrates are available year-round. Market Situation: In the past ten years, the blueberry industry has experienced extraordinary growth with per capita consumption rising each year and a record numbers of new products entering the market each month! Consumers have become enlightened to the wonderful health benefits of blueberries and the past four years have seen the largest crops and record demand. Product: Bakery products, Dairy products, Frozen Blueberries, Blueberry Filling, Concentrate, etc.

Quick facts

Sales markets Africa; Asia; Australia; Central/South America; Eastern Europe; Middle East; North America; Western Europe
Primary business activity Government /Pavilion Organiser /Trade Association

News about U. S. Highbush Blueberry Council

Innovate Smarter with the Versatility of Blueberries

7 Sep 2022

Innovate Smarter with the Versatility of Blueberries

Innovate better with one of the most versatile fruits.

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15 Aug 2022

Drive demand by adding a boost of blue with blueberries

Blueberries are an ingredient and flavour consumers recognize and demand. So why not add blueberries to your next innovation?

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U. S. Highbush Blueberry Council

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