Product description

NitrateBurst™ is the first green leaf spinach extract formulated to deliver your diet’s daily cardiovascular supplement and exercise-boosting source of plant-based nitrates. Dietary-, or Phyto nitrates are nitric oxide precursors or donor actives. Nitric oxide whether produced internally or delivered through the diet in the form of Phyto nitrates, are requisite nutrients for optimal cell signaling, blood pressure regulation, blood composition and flowability, performance and energy production. As one of the highest sources of dietary nitrates available, green spinach (Spinach oleracea) leaves are meticulously sourced to exceed compliancy for pesky pesticide residues, tested and then concentrated in a proprietary, solvent-free extraction method to provide the 9% Phyto nitrate and 13% plant-based potassium specification for NitrateBurst™. Dietary nitrates delivered by NitrateBurst™ are activated in the mouth and downstream in the stomach and absorbed directly into the bloodstream. As compared to the primary, endogenous pathway of delivering NO- to the tissues, eNOS (endothelial Nitric Oxide synthesis), the Phyto nitrate pathway is oxygen independent, and less apt to disruption by aging and chronic disease. The eNOS system requires an optimally working enzyme system, oxygen, and substrate precursors like arginine/citrulline, among other cofactors. NitrateBurst™ can supplement the diet to support healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health by taking up the slack of an impaired endothelial Nitric Oxide system (eNOS), while also helping to power intense exercise bouts, as an oxygen-independent route to more energy and greater performance.
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Categories Bioactives; Dairy; Vitamins & supplements
Sales markets Asia
Supplied from Thailand; United States
Product Applications Dairy; Dietary Supplements; Energy Drinks; Food Supplements; Healthy Food & Beverages; Sports Nutrition
Product Certifications Gluten-free; Halal; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Health claims; Natural; Quality assurance; Vegan; Vegetarian

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