
Studies reveal potential health benefits of raspberries

30 Aug 2017

Initial findings from several studies on the potential health benefits of red raspberries reveal that participants experienced an improvement in glucose control and increased satiety.

Studies reveal potential health benefits of raspberries

Initial findings from several studies – including both human subjects and animals – on the potential health benefits of red raspberries reveal that participants in short-term human trials experienced an improvement in glucose control and increased satiety, while longer-term animal trials revealed promising effects on the gut microbiota after red raspberry intake. The observations from animal and in vitro studies provided insights that are said support future hypotheses for red raspberry research exploring potential beneficial effects on pathways related to reducing inflammation, obesity, and type 2 diabetes risk.

"We are excited about this new flurry of studies, which builds on previously published research aimed to better understand the potential health benefits of red raspberries," said Tom Krugman, Executive Director of the National Processed Raspberry Council (NPRC). "Our Council is committed to delivering the highest quality nutrition and health science that consumers can use to make informed choices when aiming for a healthy diet."

While additional research, particularly in humans, is said to be warranted, preliminary evidence from these studies suggests that the actions of essential nutrients, fibre, and polyphenolic phytochemicals found in red raspberries may play a role in supporting key metabolic functions, including anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and metabolic stabilizing activity. While those involved describe this emerging research as promising, and contributing to the overall understanding of the health benefits of red raspberries, they say conclusions cannot be drawn at this time.

The trials (some on humans, some on animals) saw apparently beneficial effects on blood sugar control, satiety, gut health, Type 2 diabetes and inflammation.

Created in 2013, the National Processed Raspberry Council (NPRC) represents the processed raspberry industry and is supported by assessments from both domestic producers and importers. NPRC's mission is to conduct nutrition research and promote the health benefits of processed raspberries. The NPRC is responsible for marketing processed raspberries in the U.S. and is committed to promoting the growth of the entire industry.