Small-Scale UHT/HTST/Aseptic Processors for R&D and Small-Scale Processing

28 Sep 2023


Small-Scale UHT/HTST/Aseptic Processors for R&D and Small-Scale Processing

Celebrating our 30th Anniversary!  
MicroThermics has the most complete small-scale UHT/HTST/Aseptic Processing solutions.  We can help you do it, or we can do it for you!  Let us show you how to eliminate the processing hurdles in your R&D and turn them into powerful tools.   We reduce your R&D time and expenses while getting your products (juices, teas, milk and milk replacements, protein beverages, yogurts, ice creams, puddings and more) to market faster.  Come and learn about our easy-to-use, powerful research and small-scale processors and services. 


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