Company description
Handary is a leading specialist in natural shelf-life solutions. We produce natural shelf-life ingredients including ANTIMICROBIALS (Natap® | Natalac® Natamycin, Epolyly® Polylysine, NisinA® | NisinZ® Vegetal Nisin, Lysoch® Lysozyme, Befresh™ Protective cultures, Proteria® Fermented sugar, vinegar, Mushria™ Mushroom extracts, Plantéria® Citrus extracts, Chitoly® Mushroom Chitosan, PhageX™ Bacteriophage), ANTIOXIDANTS (Guardox™ (Bamboo, olive and acerola) extracts, Oxyzier™ Organic oxygen absorbers), FRESH-KEEPERS (White Fiber™ Citrus fibers, Fixolor™ Color stabilizers, Antibraun™ Antibrowning agents, Koatilm™ Fresh-keeping coating), SHELF-LIFE EXTENDERS (Antimix™ Antimicrobial blends, Shelfex™ Shelf-life extenders, Antiozyme™ Anti-biofilm enzymes, Antipack™ Active Antifungal packaging) to prevent Microbial spoilage, Pathogenic risk, Discoloration, Off-flavor, Texture change and Nutrient loss in a variety of food and beverage, distributed worldwide.
Quick facts
Sales markets | Africa; Asia; Australia; Central/South America; Eastern Europe; Middle East; North America; Western Europe |
Primary business activity | Manufacturer: Ingredients / Additives |
Affiliated categories: | Antioxidant |Botanical Extracts |Enzymes More |