Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Stickpacks

Product description

Introducing Advenza's Probiotic Formulation featuring Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, one of the most extensively studied probiotic strains. This innovative supplement offers a wealth of potential health benefits, from supporting gut health and digestion to bolstering your immune system and overall well-being.

Our proprietary formula comes in the form of convenient, easy-to-use mouth-melt granules with a pleasant, palatable taste. Available in a variety of flavors, this probiotic supplement caters to a wide range of individual preferences, ensuring a positive user experience.

Designed with your convenience in mind, this Probiotic Formulation is packaged in a user-friendly manner, making it simple to incorporate into your daily routine, whether at home or on the go. Free of soy, dairy, gluten, and genetically modified organisms, this vegan-friendly supplement is the ideal choice for health-conscious individuals seeking to optimize their overall well-being.

Experience the power of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG with Advenza's Probiotic Formulation, and unlock the transformative benefits for your gut, immunity, and beyond. Discover the difference that a high-quality probiotic can make in your life.

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Categories Contract manufacturing; Private label/Bespoke products; Probiotics
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Asia; North America; Africa
Supplied from India
Product Applications Dietary Supplements
Product Certifications Gluten-free; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Health claims; Quality assurance; Vegan

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Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Stickpacks

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