Product description

Lactofiltrum ® for eczema and atopic dermatitis (Dietary Supplement)

·         unique composition of Lignin Hydrolyzed (enterosorbent) and Lactulose (prebiotic)
·         effect based on its positive impact on the intestinal microbiota, GUT-SKIN axis
·         adsorption of intraluminal toxins
·         Clinically tested for improving skin health and overall well-being

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Categories Branded Finished Products; Contract manufacturing; Food Supplements / Nutraceuticals
Sales markets Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; North America
Supplied from Cyprus
Product Applications Dietary Supplements; Food Supplements; Natural Products; Pharmaceutical; Vegetarian / Vegan Products
Product Certifications Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Health claims; Natural; Vegetarian

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Lactofiltrum ®

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