LipoMill Sesame Press Cake, Flour and Protein

12 Oct 2021

Technical Data

LipoMill Sesame Press Cake, Flour and Protein

LipoMill Sesame Press Cake is the solid, which remains after carefully pressing sesame seeds to extract the oil. Sesame Press Cake has a high percentage of protein, mainly sulphured amino acids (methionine and cysteine), which are known for their antioxidant properties in the intestines and for maintaining normal cell functionality. In addition, they promote protein synthesis in the human body.

Sesame Press Cake is an interesting source of dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. In particular, it contains a very high concentration of calcium.

Sesame Press Cake contains mainly globulin proteins, which impart a water binding capability and agglutinates the components in the desired recipe. LipoMill Sesame Press Cake and LipoMill Sesame Flour are outstandingly qualified for use in food.


Technical Data
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