LipoMill Hemp Press Cake,  Flour and Protein

12 Oct 2021

Technical Data

LipoMill Hemp Press Cake, Flour and Protein

With 20 amino acids LipoMill Hemp Press Cake has a complete amino acid profile. Nine of these twenty are essential amino acids, which the body cannot produce itself. The hemp protein found in our Hemp Press Cake is made up of approx. 65 % edestin, a bioactive globulin protein, which is easily digested and suitable for human consumption. In addition, Hemp Press Cake contains essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids as well as essential minerals, in particular iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. Furthermore, Hemp Press Cake is rich in dietary fibre. Hemp seeds used in the foods industry contains only trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol and does not cause psychoactive reactions.1
LipoMill Hemp Press Cake and LipoMill Hemp Flour offer an excellent balance of healthful fats, vitamins and proteins. With their nutty flavour our hemp products are a wholesome substitute for less functional ingredients.


Technical Data
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