Product description

Product Code: C051202Specification: Polysaccharide 30%
Assay Method: UV
Botanical Source: Grifola Frondosa
Botanical Part Used: Fruiting Body
Character: Powder
Certification: ISO22000,Kosher, Halal

The mushroom is a very large mushroom that grows in the mountains of the Far East, as well as in North America and Europe. Also known as the "ashwagandha", the mushroom is known for its deliciousness and health benefits. It is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, trace elements and biotin, which is one of the most important reasons for its health benefits and delicious taste. The meat of the mushroom is crisp and tender, with a delicious flavor, unique aroma and reasonable nutritional ratio.
Historically, the dancing mushroom has been used as a tonic and an adaptogen. It was used as a food to help boost good health and vitality. Traditionally, the consumption of these mushrooms is believed to prevent high blood pressure and cancer, among others, and has become the focus of modern medical research. The maitake mushroom extract is made from high quality maitake mushrooms and is extracted through a process of fermentation.
Maimou mushroom extract is rich in Maimou mushroom polysaccharide, a polypore family consisting of busulose, glucose, xylose, fucose, xylose, mannose, fungose and a small amount of protein in a heteroglycan complex.
Scientists have found a substance from Maitake Mushroom that can efficiently fight cancer- Maitake Mushroom Extract polysaccharide, and studies have shown that its anti-cancer activity is 35% higher than that of the chemotherapy drug mitomycin and 16 times that of reishi!

Maitake Mushroom Extract polysaccharide can prevent normal cells from becoming cancerous and inhibit the growth and metastasis of tumor cells in time by activating the body's immune system. Maitake Mushroom Extract polysaccharide can significantly improve the therapeutic effect and reduce the toxic side effects of radiotherapy through the synergistic effect with chemotherapy.
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Categories Botanical Extracts; Food Supplements / Nutraceuticals; Herbal products and remedies
Sales markets Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Middle East; Asia; Australia; North America; Africa; Central/South America
Supplied from China
Product Applications Dietary Supplements; Food Supplements; Natural And Traditional Remedies; Pharmaceutical
Product Certifications Halal; Health & Safety (GMP, HAACP and equivalents); Kosher

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